Do you need a practice management software that can streamline your practice?

Finding the right practice management can make your life much easier and your practice more efficient. But when it comes to choosing a practice management software there’s several considerations to balance before making the final decision.

When I started my private practice, I choose Jane App to be my practice management software. In this article, I will share my review of Jane App including its features, benefits and considerations so that you can determine whether Jane App is worth it for you and your practice. And, if you do decide Jane App is best for your practice. And if you read to the end of this article, you’ll get your hands on a special code for a one-month grace period for setting up a new Jane App account.

What is Jane App?

Jane App is a practice management software for healthcare practitioner that aims to provide an all-in-one solution for managing your scheduling, charting, billing, and running both the clinical and business sides of your practice. Jane App is PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant so whether you’re a Canadian or US practice owner, you can be confident that your client files are secure and follow privacy law legislation.

But what’s the story behind Jane App?

Jane App has a unique and inspirational story for where it is today. In 2011, Ali Taylor, a multidisciplinary clinic owner, was searching for practice management software to support her with running her own clinic but she couldn’t find a solution that fit all aspects of her business. So, she asked Trevor Johnston to help her build a solution that fit her clinic needs. Because Ali and Trevor knew the software could help so many other practice owners, they took it a step further, and they decided to build a practice management system for other practitioners. Then ta-da Jane was born! (Jane App, n.d.). A software that was built by a practitioner for practitioners.

Jane App Features

So now that you know Jane’s story, let’s dig into its features and how it can help streamline your private practice.

Scheduling and Online Booking

First of all, Jane App has a built-in scheduling and online booking feature. You can open up your calendar for available appointments time slots so that clients can book sessions instantly online whether its morning, noon or night. When it comes to streamlining a private practice, I believe that online booking is essential because it allows clients to book appointments when it’s convenient for them but it also doesn’t take additional time or effort for you to coordinate the appointments. You can also attach your Jane App booking link to your practice website so that prospective clients can book a consultation when they land on your site.

In addition, Jane sends clients email confirmation and appointment remainders to help minimize no show appointments. Jane also tracks all email notifications so you know the status of any email that’s sent whether the email is delivered (but not yet opened), opened or clicked on, you’ll know. One limitation though with Jane’s online booking software is that it only shows appointment in your time zone, so if you work across multiple time zones, you might need to remind your clients that their appointment reminders will be in your time zone and not theirs in order to avoid unintentional missed appointments.

Invoicing, Payments and Insurance Claims

Another feature that any practice management software should have is the ability to invoice clients and process payments. And Jane App certainly has this function. In Jane you can send an invoice directly to your client where they can pay their outstanding balance through Jane Payments using a credit card. Once a payment is received through Jane Payments a receipt is automatically sent to the client. When it comes to payment processing however, if a client pays you directly with cash or an e-transfer, you’ll have to manually process the receipt because the software cannot detect out-of-software payments.

And to help ensure you receive your payments from clients, in Jane App you can also have your clients save their credit card information to their client portal so that you can process payment after each session on their behalf. The benefit for the client is that they won’t have to worry about remembering to pay you after each session and the benefit for you is that you’ll know that you’ll be paid in a timely manner. The only downside for you though is that this will be another administrative task for you to complete. In addition, by having a credit card on file, you have the ability to process late cancellations or no shows according to your late cancellation and no-show policy so that you know you’ll paid for missed sessions.

With respect to payments, a few other features within Jane App are that you can sell online gift cards that clients or their loved ones can buy and they can be easily applied to a clients’ Jane account. This is a really great feature if you’re a message therapist or an acupuncturist. Also, in Jane, you have the ability to create and track discounts or price adjustments on client payments. So, whether you provide a sliding scale or you’re giving a discount on a session for some other reason, this feature can help you show that the discount was applied and have it tracked under your Jane billing reports.

Another great feature that Jane App offers is the ability to process direct insurance payments for both US and Canadian insurance providers. So, if you accept insurance and have direct billing set up for multiple insurance providers but you want to streamline it all in one place, you can do it through Jane. One consideration with this is though, to access this feature you’ll need to pay for the Insurance Plan package with Jane as it is not included in the Base Plan. So, if you want to direct bill through Jane App, you’ll need to upgrade to the higher-level plan.

Charting and Intake Management

If you’re working virtually, the last thing you want is to have a cabinet full of client files where if you move, you’ll have to bring with you. So, having a practice management software that has a place for you to keep your client files that can be accessed from anywhere is key. But it’s not about having just any place, but a place that maintains privacy compliance. Jane App does just that. Jane is PIPEDA compliant for Canadian practice owners and HIPAA compliant for American practice owners. From Jane, you can securely send intake forms to clients for completion prior to your first session together and you can write your case note directly in the client’s chart.

Another amazing feature on Jane App is that the platform has a large assessment form template library with over 50,000 clinical assessments included as a part of your monthly subscription. From COVID-19 screenings to anxiety scales to biopsychosocial assessments, Jane App already has them prepared so that you can in your Jane account. Just create a new Clinical Survey, click template library, choose your preferred template and then it’s ready to be sent and accessed by clients inside of their client portal.

Video Appointments

If you provide video appointments in your practice, Jane App provides high quality one-to-one and group video, that is PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant. One-to-one video is included with all Jane App plans. However, group video, which is for up to 12 related individuals such as couples and families, has an additional cost that can be added to any plan. Jane video capabilities include a waiting room where you can admit clients at the press of a button; screen share so that you can demonstrate key concepts or show resources to your clients; and in-call chat so that you or others in the session can chat with each other. And to help make session access efficient, Jane App automatically sends your clients a video access link via email prior to the start of the appointment so you’re not bogged down with sending another email.

Ability to Add Additional Practitioners to Account

As your practice grows so can your Jane account. When you hire on practitioners to your practice you can add them to your Jane account, for an added cost. When you add practitioners to your account, their client files are stored under your practices account and accessible to you in the event you ever need access to the information in the future. The type of software license you’ll need depends on how many hours the practitioner works. If the practitioner works less than 24 booked hours per week, you’ll need a half licence. And if the practitioner works 24 or more booked hours per week, you’ll need a full licence. The price varies depending on the plan you currently have and the licence that you need to add to your account.

Jane Integration with Clinic Sites Website Builder

Finally, Jane App is fully integrable with Clinic Sites website builder. Setting up a website that integrates with your practice management software can streamline your practice and website building. When building a website with Clinic Sites when you use your Jane link your logo, brand colours, location, description of your services and practitioner pictures and bios automatically load to your website so you don’t have to take the time to upload these individually. Clinic Sites provides a cost-friendly monthly website package that is in addition your monthly subscription with Jane App.

Want to learn more about Clinic Sites and the Jane App Integration?

Check out the Designer Practice Podcast Episode 44: How to Setup an Outstanding Website with Jane’s Integration with Clinic Sites with Jon Morrison by clicking here.


Because of all of these features, when it came to choosing Jane App for my private practice it was a no-brainer because it provided everything that I needed to run it effectively. Even now, in my business coaching practice, I still use the software because it’s so versatile for service-based businesses. My honest opinion is that Jane App is a must for any private, group or multidisciplinary practice as it simplifies, organizes and streamlines all of the business-side of running a practice. I wouldn’t have the efficiency inside of my practice if it weren’t for Jane App.

Jane App Promotional Code

Because I have had such a positive experience with Jane App as a customer, I became a Jane Ambassador so that I can share my experience with practitioners, like you. And as a Jane Ambassador, I have an exclusive promotional code you can use so that you can get started with your new Jane account today.

Upon sign-up for a Jane App, you can use the code EVASPARE1MO to receive a 1-month grace period on your new Jane account. Sign up for Jane App click here.

Still on the fence?

Why not try Jane App’s Demo Clinic which is a fake Jane App account where you test out all the bells and whistles Jane has to offer to see if it works for you and your practice. I guarantee it won’t disappoint! Check out Jane App’s Demo Clinic by clicking here.


Evaspare Inc. is sponsored by Jane App and may receive compensation for endorsements.


Jane App. (n.d.). Our Story. Retrieved from

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