Thinking of starting a blog this year? 

But maybe the thought of writing blog posts every single day in order to make money has stopped you in your tracks.

Many people think that by starting a blog they’ll need to constantly write and contribute to it every day for the next 5 years to make money but this couldn’t be further from the truth! 

You could contribute to a blog a few times a month and see real traction from your blogs. However, the real trick is to have a blogging strategy that includes the key elements that we’ll discuss in this article. Whether you choose to focus on these elements or not can either make or break your blogging efforts.

In this article, we’ll discuss 4 key elements that’ll influence how many blog posts to make money in 2024.

Choosing a Blog Niche

First, choose a niche for your blogs. Choosing a niche can help you grow your blog readership and make you money. When you write for a specific type of reader, you start building a loyal fan base who will come back and read your articles time and time again. 

Also, search engines, like Google, rank blog posts that match a readers search intent. Search intent is essentially matching what the reader is searching for with content that gives the reader the best chance of answering their question. And when you have a niche, you learn more about what your ideal reader is searching for online and you can write on those topics.

Creating SEO-Rich Blog Posts

Creating SEO-rich blog posts is the #1 thing that will get you found by prospective readers and start making you money online. Even if you have a current audience, your earning potential is finite. However, by tapping into Google’s infinite searcher base you can grow your community and readership. How many blog posts you’ll need to make money in 2024 really depends on if your blog posts can be found on Google. When you cast your net wider through Google’s reach of 6.3 million searches per minute you enter a gold mine of potential readers that can help you make money blogging.

Contrary to popular belief, to write SEO-rich content and make money through blogging you do not need a high-end marketing firm or an expensive SEO expert. All you need to do is write content that people are searching for on Google and use those keywords or key phrases in your blog post.

Using Keywords and Key Phrases

You might be thinking, “Well Kayla, how do I know what my potential reader is searching for online?”

Simple, just go to Google and start typing in keywords that you think your ideal reader might be typing into the search engine and see what pops up in the auto-search tab.

Let’s use this blog post for example. When I write “how many blog posts…” into Google the auto-search gives me a list key phrases of the most searched phrases starting with these words. Topics includes “how many blog posts to get traffic,” how many blog posts before launch,” and “how many blog posts to make money.” Of course, this article is about how many blog posts to make money in 2024. So, it’s no coincidence that I use these words throughout my blog post, including my title and website URL. In addition, by searching for keywords or key phrases on Google, you get additional ideas for topics for your next blog posts – say bye-bye writer’s blocks.

But it’s not enough to just use keywords, your content must be worth reading where it attempts to answer the readers question and provide them with helpful solutions, strategies or insights that they didn’t have before reading your blog post.

Prioritizing Quality over Quantity 

Although there is a definite correlation between the number of blog posts that you write and the money that you make, the real success comes from the quality of your posts not necessarily the quantity. Because someone who has 500 blog posts with surface level content that loosely answers the readers search query is less likely to have engaged readers or rank on the first page of Google than someone with 50 blogs who has written thoughtful posts that highlight insights, solutions, strategies that readers are searching. Readers are more likely to trust a writer and consider them the go-to source on a topic if they found value in and gained insight through the writer’s blog posts. And more engaged readers mean more money.

Maximizing Your Monetization Efforts

A key component to making money through blogging is to maximize your monetization efforts and there are 4 ways to do that: pitching your own products, selling affiliate products, having sponsored posts and adding Google Adsense to your blogs. To maximize revenue, incorporate multiple monetization strategies within the same blog post. For example, in a single blog post you might add Google Adsense, share affiliate links, and if relevant you might end with a pitch to your own product or service. Also, depending on the blog topic, it may even be appropriate to share more than one affiliate product.

So, how to make money through blogging is not only about how many blog posts you write but how well you strategize your posts for maximum income. Without monetizing your blogs, you simply can’t make money. 

Want to learn more about how to monetize your blog?

Check out this article, How to Make Money Blogging in Canada.

Number of Blog Posts to Make Money

With all this said, how many blog posts does it take to make money in 2024?

If you have a niched blog that is search engine optimized and monetized for maximum earning potential that prioritizes quality over quantity, you could write as little as a 2-4 blogs per month and start seeing income flowing in. However, if you ignore these key elements, you could also post every day and never see a cent. 

Although realistically, you’ll see more traction with some posts than others. Sometimes writing a single blog post, when monetized, can bring in the bulk of your income. This is the case for me, I have 5-6 blog posts that bring in the bulk of my blogging income, whereas I have others that bring in peanuts. In fact, I wrote a blog post a few days before going on maternity leave and that one blog post had made me over $2000 within the first two month.

So, the question shouldn’t be how many posts to make money but instead what makes a money-making blog post? With a blogging strategy and the right blogging formula you can write 2-4 blogs per month and make money in 2024.


Please be advised that this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be professional advice.


Statista. (2024, March 8). Online search market worldwide – Statistics and facts. Retrieved from

Yoast. (2021, September 23). What is search intent and why is it important for SEO. Retrieved from

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