The best way to promote a business is by marketing yourself in a way that feels right for you.

Longgg are gone the days when pitching yourself, your credentials, and previous experience is what it takes to get clients through the door.

This is especially true for private practices because most clients are more interested in the right ‘fit’ with their therapist than special therapeutic approaches, specific credentials and years-on-years of experience.

Empathy-First Marketing

Clients want to know if you can help them with their needs so they can get their desired outcome.

As therapists, most of us have chosen our career direction because we want to help others and not necessarily to sell ourselves (although, in private practice the two are synonymous).

That’s why empathy-first marketing is so essential for private practices!

You might be wondering, “What is empathy-first marketing?”

Empathy-first marketing is not a new concept; however, it has been becoming more popular especially in the marketing world.

But I believe, as therapists, we’re the best positioned to use this style of marketing – because it’s what we do everyday!

Empathy-first marketing aims to understand our ideal prospective clients on a deeper level so we can create connection through our marketing initiatives, even before we meet them.

Empathy-first marketing asks us to view our services, our promotions and everything else in our businesses through the lens of our prospective clients – and not as a therapist or business owner.

When our marketing strategy focuses primarily on our clients, it becomes so much easier to market our practices because we spend less time selling and more time serving through our promotions. Cool hey?

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