What is the main method we all use to find a product or business we’re looking for?

Google, right?

Even the word ‘Google’ itself has become a verb – saying “I Googled it” or “I dunno, just Google it” has become a colloquial term that we all understand. Even when we may use a different platform, we still choose to use this phrasing because it has become synonymous with finding things on the internet.

So, why does this matter?

Well, you know yourself that anytime you’ve wanted to find something quickly you trust Google to deliver you fast results. This is exactly what potential clients are doing when they try to find a reliable private practice near them.

So, this begs the question, if a potential client was to Google your private practice or name, what would come up?

Maybe they’d find your LinkedIn, a college alumni page or perhaps an old practice you used to work for. If you’re really tech savvy they might find an actual Google listing of your business with a contact number and address; well that’d be a great start if true.

But how does this actually service their needs?

Really consider this:

If you were looking for a plumber to fix a broken pipe in your home and you Googled a recommended provider from your friend, but only found the plumber’s LinkedIn, how would you approach this contractor?

I don’t know anyone who would send a LinkedIn message to try and book a plumber to come out to their home, especially in an emergency.

You may be thinking: “But I’m a therapist, not a plumber, it’s not the same”, well it actually is.

Most people searching for a therapist already know they need help and for some it can feel as immediate of an emergency as a burst pipe, so they are after the easiest solution to their problem – just like you would if the roles were reversed.

So at its absolute baseline, websites make it easier for client’s to not only find your therapy practice but also get in contact with you.

But hold on tight, there’s more to it…

Developing a website for your private practice is an excellent source of marketing.

It opens up a world of possibility by not only making you contactable to those who were referred to your service, but also an excellent way to organically grow new traffic and leads who otherwise would have never known about your private practice.

With a great website you can optimize it for Google’s search engine analytics which can skyrocket your website and introduce your business to a huge pool of prospective clients.

And the best of all is that when you have a website, you are building your practice on your own ‘land’ instead of someone else’s – unlike social media platforms where algorithms can change in a heartbeat.

Haven’t yet started a website?

For my website, I completely DIY-it. I use Bluehost, a fantastic website hosting platform utilizing WordPress, with the Divi theme, a super easy design template that allows me to just drag and drop boxes, with having to use any code! Honestly, Divi theme has been a game-changer in my business – it might just be for yours too!


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