Are you maximizing your reach with your Psychology Today profile? Maybe not.

Your Psychology Today profile reach depends on how you are targeting your listing.

You may be aware of the Target Your Listing category in Psychology Today but you may not be using it strategically.

When you strategically target your listing, you get in front of more prospective clients which means an increased income potential.

So, what strategy works best?

Psychology Today allows you to add 4 targets to maximize your reach.

Your first target will be your primary location. But Psychology Today provides you the opportunity to choose up to three additional targets. You can add three additional postal/zip codes but this isn’t the most strategic way to use your target listing.

You can add an alternate location to your profile which allows you to show up in the result views when a prospective client searches that particular postal/zip code and town/city.

With the last two targets, add two additional postal/zip codes. I’m a proponent of using a third neighbouring town/city than the primary and alternate location.

Having different locations and postal/zip codes helps expand your client reach.

These simple but strategic targeting can make a big difference by getting you in front of more clients, maximizing your Psychology Today subscription, and increasing your earning potential.

You are who your prospective client is looking for, they just need to know you’re out there. By expanding your reach, they can find you and start working with you.

What are you waiting for? Get out there and maximize your reach!

Have You Optimized Your Psychology Today Profile?

Optimizing your profile’s performance is essential in order to increase your client contacts. But many therapists underutilize their profile and they don’t even know it.

In this 28-minute webinar, you’ll learn 5 ways to optimize your Psychology Today profile so that your profile receives the attention that it deserves.

Sign up for instant access by clicking here.

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